King Edward Memorial Park Foreshore is the location of one of the most polluting sewer overflows into the river. The site is located in a small area along the foreshore of the public park.
To ensure that as little public space as possible is used, we extended the site out into the river to provide the additional space required. This meant driving a large number of sheet piles into the riverbed adjacent to the shoreline, which took several months.
Our work here will divert the sewage into the new super sewer as it passes 60m below as well as extend the park with new land for terraces and seating.

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Matheson Marcault
This hoarding project presents a striking visual collection of rules for games that visitors can enjoy in King Edward Memorial Park. The games were developed through an exciting collaboration between the local community and Whitechapel-based artists Matheson Marcault (Holly Gramazio and Sophie Sampson).
The project began in spring 2017 with the aim of developing a series of five short games that park users of all ages and abilities could play in the park and surrounding areas. Matheson Marcault initially led workshops with members of the local community to discuss games played today as well as those of yesteryear.
Following these workshops the artists developed and tested five sets of simple and physical games that can be played on your own or in small groups without the need for any special equipment. The games can be played in different ways for different lengths of time and highlight or heighten particular aspects of the park.